Saturday, March 6, 2010

Christian Fantasy and Science Fiction writing group needed

I've been searching for a group of Christian writers who love fantasy and sci-fi for a writing/critique group. I've tried joining groups without that core, but I end up either reading inappropriate content or lacking an audience for my ideas.

Anyone have any ideas or suggestions for writing groups?


deliciatekernel said...

Try Holy Worlds. It is a site dedicated to helping Christian Fantasy writers be able to write quality and God-glorifying works. There is absolutely no inappropriate content anywhere. We have a wide mixture of skills and experiences, and each of the members brings a unique and helpful perspective to the table. We are very friendly too.

Rebecca LuElla Miller said...

Timothy, American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) also has critique groups by genre. You have to be a member ($40 a year, I think), but then you can go to the forums and put an ad for a critique group. I know I've read not so long ago that there are others looking for such a group. I would sort of like to be in one, too. I'm just afraid I won't have time to do what I'm supposed to do.

Anyway, the link to the forum critique ad thread is

And to sign up for membership, go to


Tim Ward said...

Cool! My first comments (besides my request for James to check out my site).

I just checked out holyworlds and it looks like just what I've been searching for! I'll be posting my ideas on the forums shortly.

I have also seen the ACFW site before. I might wait a little before I join that. Right now free is worth checking out first and if that doesn't meet my needs, then I'll consider ACFW. Once I get through my first manuscript edit, I might be more inclined.

Thanks so much both of you for your comments! You've been a real help :)

deliciatekernel said...

You are very welcome! And welcome to the site! I pray it will meet your needs.