I've been searching for a group of Christian writers who love fantasy and sci-fi for a writing/critique group. I've tried joining groups without that core, but I end up either reading inappropriate content or lacking an audience for my ideas.
Anyone have any ideas or suggestions for writing groups?
Try Holy Worlds. It is a site dedicated to helping Christian Fantasy writers be able to write quality and God-glorifying works. There is absolutely no inappropriate content anywhere. We have a wide mixture of skills and experiences, and each of the members brings a unique and helpful perspective to the table. We are very friendly too.
Timothy, American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) also has critique groups by genre. You have to be a member ($40 a year, I think), but then you can go to the forums and put an ad for a critique group. I know I've read not so long ago that there are others looking for such a group. I would sort of like to be in one, too. I'm just afraid I won't have time to do what I'm supposed to do.
Anyway, the link to the forum critique ad thread is https://members.acfw.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=0447af6083013b157c27d9bda4ac5bc5&board=58.0
And to sign up for membership, go to http://www.acfw.com/
Cool! My first comments (besides my request for James to check out my site).
I just checked out holyworlds and it looks like just what I've been searching for! I'll be posting my ideas on the forums shortly.
I have also seen the ACFW site before. I might wait a little before I join that. Right now free is worth checking out first and if that doesn't meet my needs, then I'll consider ACFW. Once I get through my first manuscript edit, I might be more inclined.
Thanks so much both of you for your comments! You've been a real help :)
You are very welcome! And welcome to the site! I pray it will meet your needs.
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