Saturday, June 12, 2010

Aspects of the Messiah

I really want to incorporate my faith into my writing, but as I've mentioned before I'd like to do it without barging in the front door. If I do this I'm only going to cause unbelievers to put up defenses that will likely lead to them abandoning my book and any future writings.

I think I may be able to write for a larger audience if I can write characters that symbolize aspects of Christianity and when it comes to a Messiah, he doesn't have to be an exact replica of Christ: firstly because I'm not writing the Bible, and secondly, because I've found it is impossible to create an exact replica without rewriting the same setting as the Bible - which leads to predictability.

As I read 1 Cor. 4:5 "...until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness..." I thought about how I can have a character who comes to reveal the hidden things of darkness and that be a more subtle picture of the Messiah.


Tim said...

A little more thought, and a warning from a friend, leads me to be weary of writing someone who is "like" Christ, because where he is not will turn people off.

In a way I feel like I'm back to square one, but I won't give up.

My wife put her answer so simply, "Write a story about someone who loves and serves God." Unfortunately, in fiction, preaching is innapropriate, but the Bible says for everyone who loves God to go and make disciples, so how do I have a character that loves and serves God who isn't also trying to share the Gospel whenever he or she can?

Anonymous said...

The good guys are following Christ, but in your story where there is a good vs. evil dilemma why can't the journey go through with following Christ, but sharing the Gospel does not have to be in every aspect of dialogue. Especially if you want to write an action novel, then it's going to be centered around the conquering, or just the sheer adventure of the "good guys" slaying dragons, saving the castle (I know that is not the premise of your books, but hang with me)--the adventure is what I am getting at, without having every part be preaching. It can be done, I know you can do it. Write an entertaining action fantasy novel and see what comes of it.